Take part in the dog sport that is catching fire across the nation.
Barnhunt is a fun sport that allows your dog to use its natural instincts and abilities to locate gerbils in a safe and controlled environment.
This class is geared towards those with no previous experience in the sport.
During this 4 week class your dog(s) will be introduced to the gerbils (quarry box and tube), get them started on foundation skills in the ring (climbing/tunneling/searching)
You will learn all the rules and skills required to be successful in the sport, working on building confidence in your dog, all while bonding and having fun with your dog.
Dogs will be worked one one one
*Reactive dogs are welcome but must be able to be managed*
No Previous Experience is required
Dogs must be at least 4 months old and fully vaccinated
Wednesdays February 5-26
7-8pm FULL
Sundays February 9-March 2
11am-12pm FULL
(March 2 will be a fun match for the last class)
Limited to 4 dogs
$168/per dog (Etransfer)
$173.17/per dog (credit card)
This class is geared towards teams that are already actively participating in Barnhunt and want to improve their skills and work on fixing any frustrating ring behaviors.
Every dog is different and each team will experience different challenges and successes during their Barnhunt journey.
Common struggles are Tunnel refusals, Indication, Distance challenges, Handling skills, scent differentiating, over arousal, lack of confidence. These are just a few things that will be targeted
During this 3 week class you will work one on one with our instructor(s) who will give you tips, tricks and techniques to help you.
Max 4 Dogs
$168.00/Dog *E-transfer* ($173.17 *Credit Card*)
No weekly commitment. Practice with your dog when you want.
Courses for all competition levels available
Dogs may attend drop ins once they have completed one of the following:
an introductory private, seminar, Class or are already competing
Each dog will get 3 turns working in the ring.
More drop in coming soon
Sundays February 23
430-6pm & 730-9pm
*No experience is required*
February 23 ~ 1230-330pm
*Experience is REQUIRED*
More Dates coming soon
Work one on one with a PDS trainer
Private sessions are great way to work with your dog in a less distracting environment.
Sessions are available for Basic Obedience, Behavioral challenges, NASDA introduction and practice, Barnhunt Introduction and practice.
Privates are initially 30 min sessions (1 dog only)
Read the instructions listed when booking on how to add an additional dog/time
30 minutes - $63.00
45 Minutes - $94.50
1 Hour -$126.00
Please email us at alannah@prairiedogsports to book a private session
Fun Matches are a great way to set you and your dog up for success and to work through those trial jitters.
Fun matches are ran with the same rules as regular trials, with the exception of toys and belly bands are allowed (FEO runs).
Practice your tunnels, climbing, distance challenges, waiting in a blind and more.
Plus you can run in any level you would like, and run as many times as you would like.
Dogs DO NOT require a registration number to participate
Dogs must be at least 6 months old
March 2
Proudly Sponsored by Omega Alpha
© Copyright Prairie Dog Sports